1923 Spring Reducing Menu

menu Similarly to now, people worried about their weight a hundred years ago. A 1923 cookbook, The Calorie Cook Book, contains lots of menus and recipes for people who wanted to lose weight. The book contained menus for a week for each season of the year.  Here is the Sunday Spring Reducing Menu.

6 thoughts on “1923 Spring Reducing Menu

  1. I shuddered when I read it! Thankfully (even though there are a million fad diets out there), we have learned more about nutrition and when and what to eat. Now if only we would use that knowledge!

  2. Some odd choices, mashed potatoes & a roll & crackers in one meal? As others have noted not particularly nutritious. We have come a long way in our knowledge and have access to so many more options for fresh food year round which is a big part of it.

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