Hundred-Year-Old Advice on How to Easily Make Drop Cookies

Chocolate chip cookie dough on spoon

As the holiday baking season approaches, I’m always on the outlook for tips that will make it easier. So I was pleased to find advice for how to more easily make drop cookies.

To Drop the Cookies Easily

When making cookies or drop cakes, try using a teaspoon. Dip it in hot or cold water each time before putting in the mixture, and the dough will slides from the spoon without the aid of a knife or other spoon to push it.ย 

W.M., Me.

Source: Good Housekeeping (November, 1919)

To be totally frank, I wonder whether this tip actually solves a major problem. Many cooks use cookie scoops to quickly drop nearly uniform balls of dough on a baking sheet when a lever is pressed. I still use a spoon, and I often push the dough from a spoon using another spoon. But, it goes very quickly, and I never really considered pushing the dough off the spoon to be a problem. It almost seems more time consuming to dip the spoon in water between the dropping of each cookie – but maybe others will find this tip very helpful.

37 thoughts on “Hundred-Year-Old Advice on How to Easily Make Drop Cookies

  1. I’ve never used a cookie scoop or a spoon when making drop cookies. Can you guess which implement I use? It’s old-fashioned — my mother and grandmother used one, too.

  2. To me there is even a rhythm to scooping a bit of dough with one spoon and pushing it off with another. I could practically sing to the beat ๐Ÿ™‚ The water trick — even if it worked — would not be as much fun!

  3. Nice tip – especially for the times. I have three cookies scoop that have a “hole” in the middle to push out the dough. I first spray with non-stick spray. For some recipes it is great. For others it is more of a pain. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I have used the spoon and water trick. Also the spoon and finger. Recently I bought a little scoop and now my cookies are the same size. I am not sure if that is an improvement. I used to convince myself that the little ones were free of calories and left the big ones for my husband!

  5. I just tried my new cookie scoop – it worked great! The spoon method was always easy especially when using 2 spoons… All the cookie recipes I’ve used have enough butter/margarine/oil in them that sticking to the spoon hasn’t been a big issue.

  6. Someone taught me this when serving ice cream–to almost 20 people who were eagerly waiting (!)–it worked! ๐Ÿ™‚ I probably won’t bother for cookie dough though–two spoons will do for me ๐Ÿ™‚

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