Old-time Coffee Ginger Cream Recipe

glass filled with Ginger Coffee Cream

During these dog days of summer, there’s nothing better than an iced coffee drink. Coffee Ginger Cream is made using a hundred-year-old recipe, and contains coffee, cream, and ginger ale. The coffee and cream combine perfectly with the fizzy, sweetness of the ginger ale to create a refreshing summer drink.

Here’s the original recipe:

Recipe for Coffee Ginger Cream
Source: American Cookery (May, 1919)
Recipe for Sugar Syrup
Source: American Cookery (May, 1919)

And, here’s the recipe updated for modern cooks:

Coffee Ginger Cream

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: easy
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2 tablespoons strong cold coffee

1 tablespoon sugar syrup (see recipe below)

1 tablespoon heavy cream

enough ginger ale to fill glass


Put coffee, sugar syrup, and cream in a glass; stir to combine. Fill glass with ginger ale and stir. If desired, add ice.

Sugar Syrup

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup warm water

Put the sugar in a sauce pan. Pour the warm water over the sugar, and stir. Let sit a few minutes until the sugar is dissolved, then using medium heat bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Store in a covered jar for use when needed.

37 thoughts on “Old-time Coffee Ginger Cream Recipe

  1. I never, ever would have imagined mixing coffee and ginger ale, with or without sugar and cream. I’m going to try this one just to see what it tastes like.

  2. It”s going to be 91 degrees in Michigan today! This is on my afternoon Drink List! I’m figuring two shots of espresso poured over ice, and because I don’t like “too sweet” beverages, I’ll try it WITHOUT the sugar syrup, first, relying on the sugar in the Vernor’s Ginger Ale for the sweetness.

    Can’t wait to give this a go! THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT RECIPE!!!!

    1. You’re welcome. It should work fine to skip the sugar syrup. I agree that just the ginger ale probably would provide enough sweetness.

  3. That is intriguing. Take the left over dark morning coffee left in the pot for an afternoon drink mixed with a piece of ice from the ice box and ginger ale. I remember my aunt used sugar syrup for her ice tea. Thanks for finding this and sharing.

    1. This recipe makes a nice hot weather drink – and uses up that little bit of coffee that always seems to be left-over in the pot after I’ve filled my cup.

  4. Well, thatā€™s a new one, from the past! I think Iā€™ll just keep my ginger ale and coffee in two different containers.. glass and mug. šŸ˜€ looks refreshing though.

  5. Tried this over the weekend, and it’s a hit! I didn’t use the simple syrup because I don’t like things overly sweet. And, because I’m vegan, I used oat milk. I was surprised that the flavor actually reminded me of a root beer float, something I enjoyed often in the summer when I was a girl. It brought back great memories!

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