Two Stylish 1915 Tea Sets

Picture Caption: A new idea in China painting that is rich in color and luster (Source: Ladies Home Journal; June, 1915)
Picture Caption: A new idea in China painting that is rich in color and luster (Source: Ladies Home Journal; June, 1915)

There’s nothing better than chit-chatting about everything and anything while having tea with a friend.

I wish that I could tell you that I serve the tea in lovely tea cups . . .but, I don’t.

We generally have tea (or coffee) at a nearby coffee shop. And, when I have friends over, I use mismatched, chipped mugs.

Sometimes I miss the matched tea sets that were used a hundred years ago.

Source: Ladies Home Journal (June, 1915)
Source: Ladies Home Journal (June, 1915)


52 thoughts on “Two Stylish 1915 Tea Sets

  1. I don’t use tea sets either, just mugs. I do have a stoneware dinner set that comes with mugs those I use for entertaining, at least they all match.

    1. I have a dinner set with cups and saucers. I use the plates and bowls in the set–but I can’t remember the last time that I used the cups. For the last 15 or 20 years, no one ever wants coffee when I have people over for dinner in the evening.

    1. I agree-you should definitely use them. You could have a really fun tea party. I have some “special” dishes, as well as some linens, that I got as wedding gifts–and I finally realized that it made no sense to just keep them in closets and never used them.

  2. When I was buying and selling china — and collecting more than was necessary — I had some lovely sets. Now, I’m down to just one, although I have a few chocolate pots left. Looking at posts like this one is dangerous. It stirs those collecting urges again, and I need to be dispersing, not collecting!

      1. I just posted a photo of one of my favorite pots in response to Sheryl, Gallivanta. It’s a little wonky, as the pot is a bit taller and more slender than it appears, but you’ll get the point.

        1. Wow, it’s beautiful. It looks so elegant. I can see why you like it. Thanks for sharing the photo and for explaining what chocolate pots are. I’m going to have to look for them the next time I go to an antique shop or flea market.

          1. They are. And you can find complete ones now and then that have creamers and sugars, too. I used to think all of those were coffee pots, because I’m not accustomed to cream and sugar with hot chocolate — but apparently that was the custom, especially in Europe.

    1. It’s nice to hear that you like the photo. It’s a photo of the farm house my grandmother lived in when she was a teen keeping the diary. I have photos of it for all seasons and thought that it might be fun to cycle through them for the header. Somehow pictures of that house symbolize the simpler times of a hundred years ago to me.

  3. The shapes are lovely. I am surprised they are plain rather than decorated. I have one complete tea set. It’s old and very precious (sentimentally) so I use it rarely. I do use other lovely cups and pots though. I would be a devoted collector if I had the money. 😦

    1. I also was surprised how plain they were–apparently it was the “new” style in 1915. It’s nice that you use your other cups and pots. I should have friends over for tea or coffee more than I do.

  4. I do have some matching tea cups and teapot but they rarely see the light of day. Like you I seem to meet friends at a coffee shop these days…although we do have a couple of delightful tea shoppes close by and each time I visit I notice how much better the tea tastes in a ‘real’ teacup!

    1. I may have a tea set somewhere in storage. I don’t think that I’ve ever used it. I should look for it–and then have some friends over and actually use it. 🙂

    1. When I was young I wasn’t interested in doing “fancy” entertaining. Now that I’m older, I think that it would be fun, but times have changed–and I continue to just do informal gatherings. I think you are right that fine entertaining is a dying art. . . sigh. . .

  5. These sets are beautiful! Our families are more coffee drinkers and I used to serve coffee in a cup and saucer. Now people seem to expect just a mug and are not sure what to do with a formal cup and saucer. Everything seems too casual but I do have some nice things that I can use. By the way, I really like your header photo with the fall colors!

    1. It’s nice to hear that you like the photo. It’s a photo of the farm house my grandmother lived in when she was keeping the diary. I decided that even though I’ve completed posting the diary, that I’d keep a header that provides a little continuity with the early years of this blog. I plan to use a different photo of the house for each of the four seasons.

  6. My friend had an English tea party in her small Brooklyn apartment about ten years ago–with a bone china tea set, crumpets and scones, and we all were asked to wear hats and gloves 🙂 It was great fun. I agree with Marcia here, if you have them, don’t wait for a special occasion!

    1. The tea party sounds absolutely wonderful. All of these comments are making me want to dig out my “special dishes” and invite my friends over for an elegant old-fashioned elegant dinner or tea.

  7. So many comments–you’ve tapped into something big here, Sheryl! It seems like the ritual of sitting down for coffee or tea has been lost, at least in my world. But I still love the look of the vintage sets!

    1. Yes, even though I’ve never served tea with a beautiful tea set, I feel a certain sadness that a lovely custom that once brought friends together has largely been lost.

  8. Me too, I enjoy seeing all the antique tea sets, cups when I am out at antique places. I have a nice small collection of tea cups and a few tea pots – some old, some not so old. I know at least one tea cup is around 90 yrs old, given to me by my friends who are in their mid 80’s, it belonged to the husbands mother and another one is probably from the 1940’s – the other ones I am not sure, I just bought them because they are cute. I seldom use them, preferring my mugs for my tea. 🙂

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