1914 Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Advertisement

19-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Monday, August 24 – Thursday, August 27, 1914:  For lack of something to write.

1914 Wrigley's Spearmint Gum Advertisement
Source: Kimball’s Dairy Farmer Magazine (March 1, 1914)

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

This is the last of four days that Grandma combined into one entry. Since she didn’t write much, I thought that you might enjoy this hundred-year-old advertisement for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum.

34 thoughts on “1914 Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Advertisement

    1. I was surprised how old the couple looked in the advertisement. It seems like teens would have been a market group that they would have wanted to target.

  1. “The hospitality confection” ….and I just always thought it was gum! I’ve heard of Coca-cola being used for indigestion, but never heard that about gum. And “socialbridge” has a good point!
    Perhaps Grandma was busy having fun and didn’t have time to write each day….???

    1. That’s what I think (or at least what I hope). I keep remembering the diary entry in late July which seemed to indicate that there was a guy.

  2. Good gosh, they sure had a good run. I remember buying this stuff as a kid in the 60’s. I haven’t seen it for ages though. I think ‘truth in advertising’ hadn’t been coined yet. The claims these companies made back when were a riot. Can you imagine a hostess handing you a package of gum on the way out and saying “thanks so much for coming” ? LOL

    1. Funny thing is I remember going to visit elderly relatives and being offered sweets and gum. But then, I was a child. I don’t know that the sweetie/gum mix was offered to adults, except the adult who offered the treats often decided to keep you company in your sweet eating.

    1. I think that I recently saw some in a store–but your comment and the comments of several others about the difficulty finding it, makes me uncertain. I’m going to have to pay attention to the gum by the check-out the next time I go shopping.

    1. What a fun hobby! I’ve seen a few lovely old signs for regional sodas in flea markets–and always wished that I had a place to display them.

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