Hot Weather: Almost Roasted

16-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Sunday, July 2, 1911: Almost roasted today. Went to Sunday school this afternoon. We had company this evening. One of Ruthie’s future pupil’s and parents.

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

July 2, 1911 was an extremely hot day across the Eastern and Midwestern US. The New York Times reported that on July 2 in  New York City it was:

 . . . the hottest day here in twelve years. Mercury up to 94.5, with 72 per cent. humidity, and next to no breeze.

The paper also reported that:

HARRISBURG, Penn, July 2—The temperature today reached 98.2, the hottest recorded since July 1, 1901, when 100 was the maximum. The intense heat caused much sickness.

New York Times (July 3, 1911)

4 thoughts on “Hot Weather: Almost Roasted

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. I’ve found the Library of Congress Historic Newspapers at to be a helpful site and I noticed that every day it shows newspaper pages from (you guessed it) 100 years ago today, which reminded me of your blog, and I wondered if you use any of those newspapers to get information for your blog.

    1. Thanks for sending me the link to this really cool site. I hadn’t know about it before getting your comment. I have really enjoyed looking at it and am sure that I’ll frequently go back to it now that I know it exists. As for where I get information for my blog–I’m very fortunate to have access to a really good library and get many of the materials that I use there.

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