Sent Note About Change in Plans

19-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Thursday, August 13, 1914:  Wrote to Alma so she knows about the change. Hope it won’t disappoint her very much. Wonder how I would feel if I didn’t get to go. Well for my part I don’t want to experience the feeling. Don’t think it would be a pleasant sensation.DSC04322

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

The previous day Grandma wrote:

. . . My heart slumped down to my very feet this morning or so it felt when I learned that Ruthie had received a letter from the ticket agent stating that the excursion to Niagara Fall next Monday was not going. Any way our crowd decided that we would go, and so I began to get relieved.

We now know the name of another member of the group going to Niagara Falls. Alma Derr was a cousin of Grandma and her sister Ruth. She lived near the hamlet of Ottawa in Montour County, Pennsylvania which is about 10 miles from the Muffly farm.

What did Grandma write? Maybe she just told Alma about some relatively minor price and schedule changes—though Grandma seems very worried about how Alma will react.

18 thoughts on “Sent Note About Change in Plans

    1. I’m finding the logistics of the upcoming trip to be somewhat—actually, very– confusing. I guess that even today there are lots of details that need to be figured out prior to a trip–and that people who aren’t closely involved might find it difficult to follow everything.

  1. I’m glad the plans are still going on. I wish we could ask your Grandma what happened with Alma. Maybe she’ll speak of it on another day.

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