In Pain Over Piano Lesson

19-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Friday, June 12, 1914: My music teacher had a pain this morning. Must have sympathized deeply for her, since by the time she was ready to go I had one too.

Besse went home this afternoon. Miss her some.


Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

Hmm. . . Has Grandma been practicing her piano lessons? Maybe her music teacher (and eventually Grandma) were in pain because of how poorly the lesson went.

Grandma might not be spending much time practicing. I don’t think that she mentioned her piano lessons since January.


Grandma’s married sister Besse came to visit June 9. It sounds like a fun and relaxing time for both sisters. It probably was just what Besse needed after the recent death of her infant daughter. . . and Grandma sounds like she enjoyed having her oldest sister around for a few days.

30 thoughts on “In Pain Over Piano Lesson

  1. This made me smile: “Must have sympathized deeply for her, since by the time she was ready to go I had one too”

    Oh dear, Helena! Perhaps she needed to practice the piano a little more. 🙂

  2. When you say pain all I can remember about my piano lessons and my piano teacher is that she would bang my hands down on the right keys. That was painful. So, I do not play the piano although I would love to do just that, not inclined.

    1. Mine, too. 🙂 (Actually my teacher was a very nice woman, but somehow I really struggled to practice. . . and then felt terrible when the lessons didn’t go well.)

  3. Helena reminds me of my own daughter’s music lessons at that age. She definitely thought her teacher ia ‘pain’. Hopefully Besse is recovering from her terrible loss.

  4. It does sound funny about the pain from the piano lesson. I’m glad Besse was able to spend some time with her family.

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