Proscrastinate First, But Then Get to Work

17-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Saturday, September 7, 1912:  My Saturday’s work is done for today, but I still have a heap of lessons to digest before Monday makes its appearance again. It usually takes me awhile to get myself in the notion of studying. After which I usually go to work.

Recent picture of the house and yard where Grandma lived when she wrote the diary.

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

I’m surprised how insightful Grandma was when she realized that even though she tended to procrastinate that she would eventually accomplish the task at hand.

When I was a teen, I got mad at myself for dawdling—yet I continued to do it over and over; and never seemed to “learn” to get things started early.

I don’t think that I knew myself well enough when I was young to realize that I will eventually get a task done (and done well) even if I delay starting it. Now I see procrastination as part of the process (and a time for creative thinking).

8 thoughts on “Proscrastinate First, But Then Get to Work

  1. I agree – a good perspective on procrastination. I never thought of it as part of the process – it will have me thinking differently that is for sure. Also Jane – you are also so right…good positive thoughts today ladies! Blessings, – Patty

  2. Well, I usually have so many things lined up to do….the things on the end of my list swear I’m procrastinating …. but I just haven’t gotten to them yet. I’m a compulsive … be there early kind of person. Sometimes it’s good to procrastinate. So many times I’ve jumped into a project only to have it disappear for some reason or another and all that work had gone for nothing. So I often wish I could develop a good sense of procrastination….

    1. You’re so right that things that I think I’ll need to do sometimes actually end up never needing to be done. .. . another good reason to procrastinate. 🙂

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