Watermelon: Good For Your Health

17-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Monday, July 29, 1912:  There is really nothing worth writing for today.


Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

Since Grandma didn’t have anything worth writing a hundred years ago today, I’ll share a fun tidbit about watermelons that I found in the June 1911 issue of Pure Food Magazine.

Watermelons furnish a delicious and most healthful luxury for the hot season. They keep the system cool, and help to ward off fever. That is why nature has supplied them so bountifully to us during the warm season. The name “watermelon” is most appropriate for it is nearly all water—91.9 percent. Hence, it is also an excellent thirst quencher. Its other nutriments add wonderfully to its healthfulness. . . The water you get in the watermelon ripened on the vine contains no impurities.

I’m always learning new things from doing this blog. Today I learned that when people worried about water quality a hundred years ago, that one alternative to drinking the water was to eat watermelon.

Next time I’m somewhere with questionable water I’ll just have to hope that watermelons are available.

10 thoughts on “Watermelon: Good For Your Health

  1. Definitely a more healthy way to have pure water than Colonial times. In Colonial times even children would drink alcoholic beverages to make sure that there were no impurities in what they drank. I have a funny watermelon eating picture that I will share someday.

  2. Watermelon is an excellent way to stay hydrated in the heat. And if you look up it’s nutrient value you’ll see it’s got more good stuff than tomatoes and a number of other things too….

      1. I’ve just been copying some great graphs from your blog… haven’t had time to stop by with a comment yet. But really enjoy all the info you share with everyone.

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