Old Patent Medicine Advertisement

17-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today: 

Monday, June 17, 1912: I tried to play the sick cat this afternoon, but no one took it very seriously. In fact I really didn’t feel very extra anyway.

Did Grandma take any of the old patent medicines? (Click on picture to enlarge.)

Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:

What chore was Grandma trying to get out of?  It isn’t fun to not feel well, and not have anyone believe you.

15 thoughts on “Old Patent Medicine Advertisement

  1. I have really enjoyed reading the diary posts and your reflections. Well Done. You are so lucky to have the diary. How do I subscribe or follow so that I can continue to read your posts?

    1. I know that a number of people follow this blog. I think that they clicked on the words that say “Entries RSS” below the picture in the header. If any followers have any additional details about how they subscribed, please jump in and provide additional details about how they did it.

  2. “… tried to play the sick cat” … Miss Helena’s expressions are glorious indeed. Loved the illustration on “Wm R. Adams Microbe Killer”!!! Thanks for another fabulous post Miss Helena and special thanks to your “middle aged granddaughter” Sheryl 😀

  3. When I first read this I asked a similar question…was there anything she would ahve taken? My grandparents used to grow spearmint…we often had tea when we weren’t doing so well. I still keep it on hand! Thanks, Sheryl!

  4. It seems to me, looking at the cure-all of the day, it may have been a good thing no one blieved her and made her drink that stuff! Ugh!

  5. My family had a bottle of this stuff for years! I don’t know if anyone ever took, but I believe they did. I even have an old, old photo of the medicine man who came around and sold it. It was before my time, but the old family enjoyed telling about it.

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